Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Pouring Cement

Cement was poured under the house on Friday, July 25 and Monday, July 28. The framers were back on the job on Tuesday.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Framing - Part I

Framing started on Monday, July 21. Mark Jordan and his crew have banded the pilings together and prepared the site for concrete. Due to inclement weather yesterday (July 24), the concrete will be poured on Friday and Monday. Once the concrete is poured the framers will be back on site working full tilt.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Dennis & Alita

A lot was accomplished last week due to the efforts of Dennis and Alita Carroll. They kept our project moving forward and the entire family enjoyed all of the activity on the lot. The only bummer was Dennis' speeding ticket while driving to Kitty Hawk to secure our building permit!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


If you are looking to play Lincoln Logs or Pick Up Sticks, you probably wouldn't want to choose these puppies. Forty piles were delivered, washed in and set last week. Overall it was an extremely busy week, with the lot being cleared and filled, temporary power installed, building and septic permits issued, and piles set and inspected.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Golden Shovels

On Monday of Beach Week our entire group gathered for a formal groundbreaking ceremony, complete with golden shovels (thanks Melissa & UVA!). The real thanks go to Carolee's mom, Carolee (think they are related?), for organizing the event. It is a real blessing to have the entire extended family supporting us on this project and we are looking forward to many more sunny days on the Carolina coast!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Bobcat Magic

Look at this bad boy! He's a lean, mean, lot clearing machine! Knocking down the scrub brush and bringing in the fill dirt. Makes the testosterone flow!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Beach Week

We leave Saturday for our annual pilgrimage to Buxton. Lots to do during the upcoming week between spending time with family and finalizing construction plans. We also plan to meet our banker Norm (reminds me of Cheers) from East Carolina Bank. With a little luck this should be the last year we rent!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Ground Breaking

My mother-in-law wants to have a ground breaking ceremony (complete with golden shovels) sometime during our family beach week of July 12. I don't think it is going to happen...the lot is getting cleared next week and the fill will be added the week we are at Cape Hatteras. Things are moving along, which means I'm writing checks!!