Thursday, May 15, 2008

4.57 Square Feet

Our lot is supposed to be 7500 sq. ft., but the surveyor says it is a slight parallelogram (yes, that Geometry you studied in high school is good for something) which reduces the square footage to 7495.43! Those extra 4.57 sq. ft. make a big difference to the building inspectors when in comes to the height of the building they will approve. Apparently the inspectors have recently decided to enforce this provision, which explains why I have several neighbors who have homes on smaller lots that exceed the 35 foot height restriction. We are getting another survey done (doesn't look promising), considering a variance request (looks less promising) and forging ahead with an adjusted home design that will meet the current building code (probably our best bet)!


Anonymous said...

Any chance of purchasing 4.57 square feet from the neighbors?

Gene and Carolee said...

I had the same thought, but grandfathered provisions that apply to the lot would be lost if the additional sq. ft. are added. That would complicate things further.